Pets can be loving companion that helps us relax and also relieve stress. Their unconditional love can be comforting in our times of need. In exchange, we shower them with love, gifts, and treats. So it’s frustrating to see our beloved pets in an uncomfortable state. As pet owners, we use veterinarians, groomers, and trainers to keep our pets healthy and happy as long as possible. This includes pest management. The biggest pest problem that pet owners have to deal with is fleas. There are plenty of methods, treatments, and solutions to deal with these relentless bloodsuckers. But there is an unlikely pest that your pet could unknowingly run into, the bed bug.
Bed bugs are a common pest all over the has reported that ” One out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home”. There are plenty of articles, videos, and recommendations on how to treat bed bugs but one subject that is not so common is what to do if my pet comes in contact with bed bugs. Bed bugs mostly feed on humans but in desperate or unique situations they can and will feed on pets. They prefer humans over pets because their bodies are not made to navigate through thick fur. In severe cases, you may find bed bugs making their way to your pets and the beds they laid on as well as baby bed bugs or nymph Emerging from those same beds.
With that being said, it is uncommon to find bed bugs on your pet . a bed bug would Definitely crawl over a dog to get to a human victim if they could. As professionals, we only see bed bugs on pets and bedding in severe and unique situations. As a pest control professional here are some recommendations on what to do in the case you ever have to deal with a slight chance of bed bugs making their way to your pets. disclaimer, please consult your local veterinarian and a pest control professional before attempting any treatment or recommendation, here’s where to start.
1. Call a pest control professional to deal with the infestation of bed bugs. If you’re not going that route, self-treatment is an option. Just make sure whatever method or product you use, follow the label instructions completely. Make sure you also treat where your pets like to spend most of their time.
2. Next you’ll want to bag up any bedding, stuffed animals, loose clothes, or pet bedding in a sealed trash bag. Make sure you get any blankets or pillows that your pet possibly lays on.
3. Following that, we recommend taking all of your sealed-up sheets and bedding to the laundromat. This provides a better certainty that you won’t reintroduce bed bugs into your home. Place bedding in the dryer and dry on high heat for 30 to 45 minutes per load, This will kill any eggs or adults in the bedding. If you would like to wash before you dry this is fine but know the heat is the main source that will kill the bugs. After drying, place The bedding into new trash bags, seal them up, and then bring them back once the infestation has been treated.
4. Now this step is for do-it-yourselfers. We would recommend treating your pets with flea and tick shampoo. Always follow label instructions. Then use a topical or oral flea treatment. We recommend any flea and tick treatment that will remain active for 1 to 3 months. With this being said flea and tick treatments are not targeted for bed bugs. But a lot of the active ingredients in these formulas are used in other products used for treating bed bugs. We would recommend using name-brand products only.
Again consult your veterinarian for any concerns or questions We hope this article has been helpful if there are any more questions about bed bugs themselves check out Tulsa bed bugs
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