Experiencing a resurgence of bed bugs after treatment can be disheartening and frustrating for homeowners who have invested time and resources into eradicating these pests. However, seeing more bugs after treatment is not uncommon and can be attributed to various factors. In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why you may see more bed bugs after treatment and what steps you can take to address the issue. By understanding the underlying causes and implementing appropriate measures, you can effectively manage bug infestations and prevent their recurrence in your home.

Girl scratching his arm after bitten by bed bug

Don’t despair armed with knowledge and proactive measures, you can overcome this setback and achieve long-term relief from bugs.

After the treatment why do I see more bed bugs?

So now and again we get a call where a customer says he or she is actually seeing more bed bugs after our treatment. So before we say nah or yah on that, let’s look at the behavior of bugs. Bed bugs love to hide so much they do it most of their lives. So if they come out it’s probably for a good reason.

So the answer could be yes or no you could be seeing more bugs but here are a few reasons why that’s usually not a bad thing at least after a professional treatment.

More aware

One obvious reason why you would be seeing more bugs after a treatment is that you’re looking for them.  Most customers that we service are ready to get rid of them as soon as they find them. So if the client discovers bed bugs today and schedules a treatment 3 days from now, more than likely you will spend those days looking for them or at least hyper-aware of them. You probably never thought to look in your bed until you got them. So in most cases after the treatment, you may find a few stragglers when you expect to see none which is not always the case. So You don’t have more bugs, You’re just noticing more. 

Bed Bug Behavior

Bed bug behavior impacts the effectiveness of extermination. Unlike cockroaches that constantly search for food, bed bugs feed less frequently and follow familiar paths, making it harder for products to kill them. This results in longer extermination times as bed bugs may not come into contact with the product as often.

Flushing out the bedbugs from hiding spots.

So bed bugs hide most of their life. They only come out usually to feed or to find a mate. This is one reason why bugs are so difficult to eliminate. At Tulsa bugs specialist we’ve developed a special process that helps flush bed bugs out. This process flushes bugs out to the surface and causes them to run out of their hiding spots. because these bugs were hiding or not hatched yet they may have not been exposed to a large enough dose of insecticide to kill them as quickly as you’d like.

Eggs hatching

Because with a middle – larger infestation there are bound to be a few stragglers left behind as well as eggs not hatched. The life cycle of bed bug eggs to hatch is 6 to 10 days. This means having a follow-up and/or using an insecticide that has a residual property to it is crucial. This means as bugs continue to hatch there is a product that will kill them or a follow-up appointment ready to exterminate the remaining bugs.

Traps and lures

In vacant apartments or hotels, lures and traps are used to lower bed bugs from their hiding spots. These lures mimic a human host, tricking the bugs into falling for the trap. The traps are placed in unused areas or bedrooms to motivate the bugs to search for a blood meal. Bed bugs can survive without feeding for months, so these traps help to capture them. A special trap has been developed in Tulsa that mimics heat, H2O, and carbon dioxide to attract the bugs. If you suddenly notice bed bugs, it’s likely because they are hungry and think a blood meal is available, not due to the treatment or product used.

Time delay 

When dealing with bed bugs, it can take time to eliminate them completely. Exterminators use multiple products, including fast-acting ones to kill most of the adults, and slower-acting ones to target stragglers and unhatched eggs. It typically takes 21 to 30 days to fully exterminate an infestation, although relief from bed bug bites can be experienced on the same night.

At this point, please wait and do not try any self-treatment or add any bug spray, alcohol, or dust that could interfere with the treatment. Continue using the same beds and furniture as normal, without adding or removing anything. Consider scheduling a follow-up treatment if one has not been scheduled yet. You can use the dryer to kill bed bugs and eggs in clothing or bedding, but make sure to let them cool down before putting them back on the bed. Keep the fitted sheet on the bed.

Check out our after-treatment instructions article if you have any more questions

In conclusion, remember just because they’re not dead doesn’t mean they’re not dying. a lot of companies will advertise that they can eliminate your bug infestation in one day. This is somewhat false. They can treat the area in one day but if eggs or bugs were hiding where heat cannot penetrate it’s possible they’re still alive and will come out a few days after the treatment. They’re waiting till their environment becomes more comfortable and they feel that it’s safe to feed again.

Hope this helps give the Tulsa bed bug specialist a call @ 918-892-5254 for more advice, questions, or service.