We get a lot of customers and people in general asking us, why don’t you offer heat treatments?  So, sometimes people hang up the phone when we tell them we don’t offer heat treatments and most customers tell us,  the internet says it’s the only way to kill bed bugs. We usually ” sai ” and then explained to them why that’s not true.

Heat Treatments

When referring to Bed bug heat treatments we need to be clear. We don’t offer heat treatment when it comes to bringing large gas or electric-powered heaters near or in your home and bringing the temperature up to between 122° to 140°. But in most  cases, we do use heating equipment in our treatment process. Here are a few reasons why we dont offer heat treatments.

Heat Treatments are Not versatile enough 

First of all we found out that heat treatment doesn’t  work in all situations. This application is great for if you have a home or downstairs apartment but in our line of work, we have found that bed bugs can be found in all kinds of places like cars, RVs and even in the back of semi trucks. Heat treatments get kind of complicated when you have to lug equipment upstairs or can’t even get large-heavy equipment in small or old buildings. For these reasons we have developed a process that works in all situations,like hard to reach places ,medical facilities and unique or delicate locations ,where heat is not accessible.

Customer Liabilities

When it comes to heat treatment there is a lot of paperwork and preparation to follow. Usually a salesman OR technician will explain the prep. Which usually requires signatures after reading or acknowledging. These agreements usually have stipulations on the safety of your home while treating. The fine print even can resolve the company from responsibility if something goes wrong or if the treatment is not successful. So be careful before going with the heat treatment. And if you live in a rent house or apartment you will have to get permission from the owners.

Preparation instructions

 preparation instruction for heat treatments can be  extensive. From anywhere from removing cleaning products, alcohol products, ammunition to candles, house plants, etc. On top of all this, you also have to bag up clothing, bedding, and couch pillows. This can be several hours worth of work. Also missing any of these simple steps could possibly cause damage to your home and/or items, or at minimum provide an unsuccessful treatment.

Danger of damage of items in house

Every pest control fire but they were able to put it out before anything got out of control or before you founded out. Also if you live in an apartment you will need to get permission from the apartment complex,if not you could possibly be held liable in case something goes wrong.

Danger of fire

 liability of fire.raising the temperature to 140 degrees can ignite flammable items. Forgotten items by you or your family can cause damage items like melting or create Sparks. and, in some cases, not realizing certain items are flammable,you might be still held liable for the damages. Remember all that paperwork you signed at the beginning? So you might reconsider chemical applications.

High Cost  

Most companies charge by square footages, which in most cases bed bugs aren’t in the hallway or kitchen but your still being charged for it. Also the Labor, plus equipment cost can add up to a hefty bill , add labor of time, large fans and truck trailer. So, remember free estimates always come with a cost and with ag fearful sales pitch.

Treatment time 

Now In some cases these treatments processes can add up to more time that can in convenience you and your family prepping ,prepping, checking, setting up, cooling down, then breaking down. On average jobs time frame could take 6 to 8 hours. That time usually doesn’t include inspections customers questions and instructions or the time to prep. 

Escaping heat

heat cannot penetrate through furniture, structures or inside wall voids they can be potentially hiding in.They can hide behind baseboards inside dressers etc.  what happens if a bed bug laid eggs inside a wall void after the heat has been applied, well a couple of days or weeks later you could possibly have another bed bug infestation.So if that chemical treatment is able to kill bed bugs and there eggs days or weeks later why is it not strong enough to kill on the first application or the only one?  

In conclusion it’s best to go with the company that’s experienced and that offers a good warranty on their work. Heat treatments can be away for companies to rack up profit. Chemical application is extremely effective regardless of what competing companies and the internet tells you. If you read the info from the manufacturers, and talk with experienced technicians , you’ll find chemical application is just as effective as heat treatments, and you’ll probably save some time and money in the end .

Furthermore, we kill bed bugs everyday with chemical application,Tulsa bed bugs Specialists have been studying the biology, chemistry, and behavior of bed bugs for years to come up with a method that is 100% effective and safe on killing bed bugs in any type of situation. 

Read also: 4 Signs of Bed Bugs in Your Vehicle